Monday, August 4, 2008

Everything about acne and benzo acne cream

Practice patience and do not expect overnight results. Don't be harsh on your pimples.
The chemicals contained in the prescription and over the counter medications have many side effects such as drying of the skin, allergic reactions and many others. It only treats the symptoms and not the cause and does not provide a long term solution. In other words it works as long as you use it and the problem returns when you stop.
Some remedies are not as herbal. Some remedies are simple and easy to do. Such as ducktape for removing blackheads from the nose. Just place a piece of tape over the nose and tear it off quickly to remove these. Then gently wash the face to cleanse the pores. A gentle scrub can consist simply of warm sugar water. It is a gentle exfoliant that will clear the skin of dead skin cells without being too harsh or causing inflammation. Then simple rinse it off with cold water. Cold water helps to close the pores, just as warm water helps to open them.
tags: acne clean produto natural, how to take care of acne, dry out acne

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