Monday, August 4, 2008

How do i know if i have hormonal acne and how do you treat acne

Finally, do your homework, research products and treatments, speak with other acne sufferers, speak with a medical professional to come up with the ultimate treatment.
If you suspect you have stress acne, why not relax and have a cup of acne relieving herbal tea? Herbal tea is especially good for stress acne for several reasons. First, when you drink a few cups of hot herbal tea, you tend to relax yourself, your body, mind and soul effectively. Your gestures and movement get slower, and your body is relieving itself from stress that has built up over time. Herbal tea also helps with acne if you select the right kinds of tea that has the capability to have a positive impact on acne. One such example includes green tea.
If you have not gone through a lot of breakouts in the past and are trying to figure out what is the cause of your adult acne, you might want to pay particular attention to the hair products or cosmetics you are using--chances are you are having an allergic reaction to a product that you use on your hair or skin, which has the ability to cause blemishes.
tags: the top 20 acne medications, eat clarified butter in acne, natural treatment for women's cystic acne

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